martes, 26 de mayo de 2015

jueves, 25 de febrero de 2010

miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2010

Pop Art Portrait. Mis primos/2 cousins and my son

Bueno, me salio mejor el de mi hijo :P

Use Ilustrator CS2, herramientas de pen y brush principalmente.

Retratos / Portraits

Esto lo hice estando en Mazatlán.

El Gabo  "Gabriel García Marquez"
Usé Ilustrator CS2 y todo a mano alzada con el Brush. 
La textura de la ropa y el pelo usando texturas ya incluidas en ilustrator.

sábado, 8 de marzo de 2008

3 nights straight have I fallen asleep

3 nights which were to be used for work were slept by. Oh well, here is the next thing Ive done since last post. Its a small joke I call, "Dice please don't turn Emo".

Its just Dice's face merged into the photo of some Emo kid I found on google. I don't know who the kid is but just tipe EMO on image search of google.

martes, 4 de marzo de 2008

Angel in process (1)

Inking a drawing done a year ago

Using Adobe Illustration. Its a drawing of Archangel Michael, was done for my sister and she has no knowledge of it yet.

There is a lot of proportion I need to correct later, now its inking over the drawing, and later with the artline comes the other careful work of fixing the drawings proportions which haven't been already while inking. And lastly adding the black shadows, thicker and thinner lines here an there.